Reports > Customer-Reward-points-report

Customer Reward Points Report

The Order Report section can be accessed under Reports>Customer Reward Points Report.

The following information will be displayed about customer reward point usage:

  • Customer Name
  • E-Mail
  • Customer Group:The customer group the customer is categorized in.
  • Status: Shows if the customer is currently allowed to login to their store account.
  • Reward Points:The amount of reward points obtained by this customer. Reward points can be acquired by a customer by purchasing a product with reward points designated to it under its Data tab under Catalog>Products. See Reward Points for more information.
  • No. Orders: The total number of orders made by this customer.
  • Total: The total amount purchased from this customer.

Clicking “Edit” under “Action” will direct you to that specific customer’s edit form under Sales > Customer. Customers can be filtered by selecting a start and end date.